Off-Boarding & Separation

The following is for off-boarding employees who are transferring internal to campus/the UC system, retiring, or fully separating from the University to pursue opportunities elsewhere.

Click on the boxes below to review preliminary information which is helpful to consider before initiating an action. Additional considerations are topics that may be relevant prior to starting and/or helpful through and beyond the process. If any assistance is needed, be sure to reach out to your unit's OCP HR Analyst or email directly. 


  • Off-Boarding/Separation/Termination are general terms used for the following types of separation:

    Full Separation

    Employee leaving UCD campus entirely


    Employee has accepted a position in a non-OCP unit elsewhere on campus


    Employee is retiring from employment and no longer working elsewhere in the UC system. Also a type of full separation. Please see the Additional Considerations section for additional steps that need to be taken for retirement off-boarding.

    Temporary Employment (TES)

    Employees brought on through the UCD Temporary Employment Services office. Modified off-boarding.

    Student Employee

    A modified off boarding for non-benefit eligible student positions.

    Please note that involuntary separations (layoff, termination, etc.) should not be handled directly, and will be administered by OCP Personnel in partnership with a unit as necessary.


    Staff will have new employee ID numbers which need to be utilized instead of prior identification.

    TRS will still be the time reporting system (along with EcoTime, which is utilized by some units outside of OCP) though changes are anticipated.

    The UC PATH Center (UCPC) will be producing final checks, with changes to the delivery anticipated. Represented employees (CX, RX, etc.) will still receive final payment within previously agreed upon time frames.

    Employees transferring between UC campuses will have a much more streamlined process as well as smoother service credit transfer due to UCPC supporting.

    Separation/Off-Boarding is often when employees have questions about benefit impaction. Guidance is already starting to be given about how when UCPC is live for UC Davis, employees should start those conversations as soon as possible to account for not having the same resources available on campus.

    Retirement will continue for the time being to be managed by the UC Retirement Center (UCRC) in Oakland, but changes are anticipated during spring 2019.

    Supervisors and staff alike may have new information and self-service options/steps in the UC PATH dashboard as part of this process.

Please note that with UCPATH going live April 1, 2019 there are anticipated changes to all HR processes, including separation/termination. Please check the site regularly as information and resources will be added regularly.



  • Employee access to any systems granted as part of their position should be removed via the Business Partners email and/or handled internally as applicable. This email will ensure standard OCP electronic access is removed effective midnight of the final day. Another aspect of access is the Request to Inspect, Monitor, or Disclose Electronic Records form, which is presented at the off-boarding appointment for the employee’s review. This form is optional, and this should be shared with the employee as well. When asking for signature, share that the scope is limited to business need, and that the form is only to indicate their consent, affirmative or otherwise. Employees can reference the policy that outlines an employee’s as well as the University’s rights here:                         
  • Final pay varies for different staff types and situations. Final pay regularly includes the last applicable wage and any vacation needed to be paid out (in the case of full separations and retirement). Sick leave is not paid out, but can be transferred to eligible public service positions within California (please contact UC Davis Benefits for specific information).  The SSO will note how the pay will be delivered in case correspondence. Some represented positions have strict guidelines as to how final pay is provided, so be sure to note any related deadlines that SSO shares. Paper checks are rarely given, and majority of separating employees are paid through their regular method (example: if utilizing direct deposit, final pay will be provided via direct deposit). For additional information, the UCD Accounting & Financial Services has published a page on final wages (including the represented position pay guidelines) which can be found here.             
  • Acceptable resignations include:

           -Letter or email from the employee as shared by the department

           -Campus/list serv announcement (common for retirements or on campus transfers)

           -Unit notice that staff is no longer working (primarily only acceptable for limited staff and/or student employees)

    *The dates in the letter matter as the Payroll processors usually review. Ensure that your ticket has notes differentiating anything that the notice has that doesn’t match what you are trying to get processed. In some cases, a new letter may be requested, which depending on the situation can be handled by the employee and/or unit.

  • Retirement is a varied, fast changing process. While many are excited for retirement, it can also be an emotional transition both for the retiree and the unit. Considering the following may help as we support retirees:

    Retirement is a multi-step process that has specific deadlines. If an employee is considering retirement, they should review the UC and UCD retirement websites, which have a collection of resources and information for planning: The SSO and OCP HR are also available to share these resources on a basic level, with the employee researching next steps accordingly.

    Do not research retirement credit on behalf of the retiree. All inquiries should be routed through the appropriate partners (Benefits and the UC Retirement Center primarily) as they will be able to provide the most accurate information and guidance.

    The OCP requirement for unit retirement gifts is $400, regardless of how long the employee has been part of the unit. Some units use these funds, sometimes along with donations, to purchase a gift. This should not be done without consideration that the retiree may be expecting the monetary gift. Please consult OCP-HR if this is an option being considered.

    A campus wide gift is also coordinated. Please contact Employee & Labor Relations, who will send a web link directly to the retiree with information about selecting a retirement gift (gift availability based off years of service).  

    If backfilling, consider overlapping any temporary employee or new hire to ensure timely knowledge transfer. This will help both the retiree and unit ensure a smooth transfer for the business need. Do remember though to be considerate of all parties as the transition may be emotional, and some staff may need space and/or support.

  • Student separations are modified from staff off-boarding as the process in the following ways:

          -No formal resignation letter/notification (beyond the student initiating) is needed

          -No formal off-boarding appointment is conducted

          -No IDOC is produced by the SSO

          -No exit survey is provided

          -No notification to business partners is needed unless the student had been grant access to specific systems

    If a student is leaving for a quarter or longer, their appointment should be ended. If they do not have another appointment (many students hold multiple positions on campus simultaneously) they will be formally separated in PPS. If they are rehired later on, they will need to complete the onboarding process again.

  • Temporary employees are not to be formally separated by the unit they are currently working in.  Temporary Employment Services (TES) formally handles the administration of temporary appointments, and while an off-boarding checklist email should be sent to partners to remove any specific accesses that have been granted, no case should be opened with the SSO.

    If there is an anticipated impact to business and a unit knows that interim support will be needed, TES should be contacted as soon as possible to put in a request so that some knowledge transfer can occur before the separating employee leaves. Additional information about TES and requesting a temporary employee can be found on their main page here.

  • Final timesheets should be submitted as soon as possible. Often, the SSO requests that any remaining time be projected so final pay can be prepared. Please note that staff fully separating from the University cannot use vacation on their final day unless retiring. While the SSO will share deadlines and outlines the range of time reporting needed, units can help initiate this process by utilizing either the bi-weekly or monthly paper time sheet templates provided in the off-boarding tool kit to complete any time sheets not available in TRS. The employee should first complete the time sheet in TRS, and then the paper time sheet can be submitted at the case initiation or in the early stages of processing.                                   
  • Employees who are transferring within the UC Davis campus will not be fully separated from the campus system. They will receive their pay as usual, unless transitioning from non-exempt to an exempt (or vice versa) position. If the unit that the employee is transferring to is not serviced by the SSO, a representative may reach out requesting certain information that may not be accessible. These requests should be shared with the SSO, who can help support. It should also be noted in any communication with partners that the employee is transferring, so as to not impact any standard UCD staff permissions.                                                                                                                                                                                                
  • Once notified, OCP Personnel will send a separating employee a link to take the OCP Exit Survey online. Supervisors are also encouraged to conduct exit interviews either prior to the final day, or as part of the unit off-boarding process. This meeting should focus on voluntary feedback the employee may have to share via prepared, standardized questions and themes that are relative to business need. Exit interviews are wonderful opportunity to have open discussion about a position, its workload and contribution to the mission overall, and should never focus on any personal aspects of an employee unless they choose to discuss as such. Supervisors can consult with OCP Personnel as needed to prepare if needed.          



  1. Employee provides formal resignation to the Supervisor. Supervisor and/or support staff do an initial review of the OCP Off-Boarding Checklist (download available below).
  2. A case is created in Aggie Service.
    1. Ticket navigation: Payroll- Appointment Changes/Separation
    2. Options: End Appointment/Transfer/Separation
      • End appointment: Where simultaneous appointment is held and one needs to be ended
      • Transfer: Employee is leaving current UCD unit for another UCD unit
      • Separation: Employee is leaving UC Davis completely.
  3. Aggie Service case routes for approval. The submitter is primary contact for all questions.
  4. Primary contact submits a separation checklist to OCP HR, Finance, the supervisor and the employee to initiate departmental separation process (click here for a loaded email template). The email is then forwarded to IET (, which automatically creates a case with IET.
  5. Primary contact follows up with the Employee and Supervisor regarding submitting the last timesheet, with direction provided by SSO Payroll as needed (email templates available for download below).
  6. SSO Payroll processes the action in the payroll system (PPS) and updates the employee’s appointment accordingly, and notifies department contact regarding when the employee will receive the final pay. A paper time sheet may be necessary depending on SSO direction.
  7. The primary contact manages the off-boarding details at departmental level. Schedules an off-boarding appointment with the employee to provide with final paperwork, including but not limited to:
  • IDOC-provided by SSO via attachment to the case and email notification.
  • PARTING REMINDERS contact sheet and off-boarding summary
  • Request to Inspect, Monitor, or Disclose Electronic Records form (optional-see Additional Considerations)
  1. Unit or OCP Human Resources provides an exit survey to separating employee via email by their final day in office (confidential and anonymous survey link found here) . SSO closes the case and the primary contact completes any follow up needed from off-boarding. Unit ensures all necessary items have been collected and worked with campus partners to remove access electronically and physically. Request non-UC contact information (email, etc.) and follow up actions completed as needed.