Temporary Employment


Temporary employees are a great option for units in immediate need of support. Temporary Employment Services (TES) is a central Human Resources office that has a variety of staffing pools available for placement across the Davis and Sacramento campuses. 


  • TES sets the salary as the minimum of whatever classification the position the employee is covering. If there is no formally classified position that they are covering, Compensation Services provides a recommendation based off duties shared on the TES assignment request form. If a department would like to pay a higher rate, please also include it on the request form.
  • Represented positions (Ex: CX Blank Assistants, TX art handlers, etc.) are bound by union contract to certain limits on how many hours they can spend in a given position and title. TES monitors this on a unit’s behalf, but supervisors should also be keeping track via time reporting in TRS in order to be aware of when the TES employee assigned will hit their maximum and have to leave the unit.

Per the TES website:

  • TES charges a surcharge for their services. TES current markup rate is 7% plus 9.1% composite benefits.
  • Departments will continue to be charged for actual salary costs, composite benefit rates, vacation and sick leave accruals.
  • TES will continue to cover the costs associated with background check fees, vacation and sick leave usage.


  1. Determine what the temporary need will be and strategize regarding the implementation timeline of a long term solution. This may be to cover a peak period, the duration of a recruitment, or filling the gap between a new employee starting. Whatever the situation, it is important to have an end date in mind as there are certain limitations on TES appointments.
  2. If the need is based off an existing position, pull from People Admin or request the position description (PD) to provide to TES. Complete the Department TES Request form and submit to TES with any relevant materials and information. Based off the unit need, the request should be sent via the following (also on the TES website)
    1. Clerical/Admin (CX): Non-Exempt/Non-Represented (99s) Positions
    2. Service (SX): Custodians, Laborers, Cooks, Food Svc Workers and MOSC Positions
    3. Exempt Positions


  1. TES will reach out regarding the request and discuss the business need as well as follow up regarding any possible information still needed. If no additional information is needed, TES will share pool availability, review possible candidates and their skillset, as well as discuss start date and other related details. TES will reach out to confirm with the TES employee identified as the best fit regarding their availability and follow up with the unit to confirm placement.
  2. While TES is confirming placement details, the unit should be preparing to welcome the TES employee. A workspace should be identified, timesheet approvers, supervisor and any lead responsibilities determined. An OCP IT Onboarding Request should be submitted to grant basic OCP permissions and if additional accesses are needed, those should start to be initiated as well. 
  3. TES employee starts. Unit works with TES employee until the immediate business need has passed and/or a long term solution is in place. TES employee is off boarded internal to OCP, but not formally separated with via AggieService (Questions? Reach out to OCP Human Resources via OCP-Personnel@ucdavis.edu). TES employees leave the unit and return to TES pool for a new assignment.


  • It is important to remember that TES is the technical supervisor of a TES employee. The unit is acting supervisor and can approve vacation and sick leave, but any decisions regarding topics such as reducing appointment time or separating should be routed back to TES.
  • If a TES employee is hired in to a non TES appointment there is a form that TES requests at the end of the recruitment to capture information for their own metrics. A sample form is included below for use.


  • TES Staff Directory
    • Phone number: 530-754-3000
    • Location: 260 Cousteau Place, Suite 100, Davis, CA 95618
  • Documents included in this guide:
    • TES assignment request
    • TES recruitment hire form