It is the practice of the Davis campus to award salary increases through the regular budget/merit cycles. As with all practices, however, some flexibility is needed to respond to exceptional circumstances.

The review of equity adjustments for non-represented staff is conducted as a focal point review on an annual basis for the campus and health system each October. The intent of the annual equity program is to provide consideration of critical and/or unusual pay issues. Equity adjustments should not be used to circumvent the campus' merit and bonus (see OCP Recognition) programs. All requests for salary increases outside of the merit process must provide justification as to why an increase to an employee's base salary is needed. Equity requests outside of the annual process are limited and intended to address immediate employee retention actions. 

For more information on equity for non-represented staff, go to http://www.hr.ucdavis.edu/compensation/equity_procedure.html

Equity adjustments for represented staff are handled on a case-by-case basis and may be requested at any time. For represented staff, please review the applicable union contract found at https://hr.ucdavis.edu/departments/elr/contracts-policies.


  • Who should I contact for requesting an equity increase?
  • OCP Human Resources is the primary contact for OCP staff and supervisors/managers for all equity actions. Employees are encouraged to discuss equity issues with their supervisors, and supervisors are encouraged to discuss equity concerns with their management team. Formal requests for equity consideration should be submitted during the focal equity call.
  • How is an equity request made for Non-Represented Staff?
  • Equity requests for non-represented staff are approved at the central HR level and should be part of the annual focal equity process that occurs in the month of October each year. The exception to this is the need to address an immediate retention issue due to a bonafide external job offer. The annual focal equity process is launched each year by HR Compensation Services and is coordinated by OCP Human Resources through the OCP Management Advisory Group. Each unit head makes recommendations for equity increases that are reviewed and approved by OCP Leadership. The recommendations are then forwarded to central HR for final approval. Once approved, HR provides the final decisions back to OCP and coordinates the payroll input with the SSO. OCP Human Resources provides notification letters to supervisors for distribution to impacted staff.
  • How is an equity request made for Represented staff?
  • Equity requests for Represented staff are not currently bargained and should be carefully reviewed to ensure they do not conflict with the bargaining process, since decisions may have a broader impact on other represented positions system-wide. Requests should be made via PARC and sent to ocp-personnel@ucdavis.edu. OCP Human Resources will coordinate the action/approval with the Provost’s Office, the SSO, and with Compensation Services. If the action is approved, the supervisor will be notified and a notification letter will be provided by OCP’s Human Resources manager to the supervisor for distribution to the employee. OCP Human Resources will coordinate the salary action with the supervisor and the SSO payroll unit.
  • Can a contract employee receive an equity increase?
  • Contract employees are not eligible for equity increases. Salary changes for contract employees must be made through a change in their contract, which typically is supported by a change in job responsibilities justifying a salary increase.
  • How much of an equity increase can I receive?
  • There is no set amount for an equity increase, because the determination for an equity increase takes many things into consideration, such as placement in the range, retention, compaction, hiring, comparison to like jobs, etc. For more information, visit PPSM 30 at http://manuals.ucdavis.edu/spp/ppsm30.pdf.
  • I just hired a non-represented employee and they are making more money than an existing employee in the same title. Can I request an equity increase for the existing employee?
  • A request for an equity increase for an existing employee can be made during the annual equity focal point review in October.